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Szűrő indítás növények nélkül


Itt a fórumon is találkozni időnként olyan megoldásokkal, ahol növények nélkül indítják az akváriumot, a szűrőt üresben járatják.
Az indok általában az, hogy a szűrő érjen be, így később könnyebb lesz a bomló növények miatt kialakuló esetleges bomlástermékekkel. És így talán kevesebb alga jelenik meg.

Az ADA aktuális hírlevelében kitér erre az esetre. Érdemes elolvasni a véleményüket a témáról:

Q) I am a beginner who has just set up an aquarium. I am wondering if aquatic plants should be planted only after the filtration system is completed instead of planting them from the start.

A) I guess you are thinking that algae proliferation can be prevented if aquatic plants are planted only after the filtration system has been established. However, the amount of microorganisms working in the filtration system is proportional to the amount of organic matter in the aquarium tank.
So, if the filtration system is established and has no aquatic plants in the tank, the filtration system is unable to successfully degrade organic matters derived from dried above-water leaves and decayed leaves smoothly, and the water in the tank gets contaminated. Furthermore, it is true that aquatic plants contaminate the water with their dry leaves immediately after being planted, but they start absorbing excessive nutrients in water and display high purifying effects once they are firmly rooted. Therefore, the filtration system can have a greater purifying capacity and become established faster if aquatic plants are planted as much as possible from the beginning. The planting of aquatic plants as much as possible from the initial stage is a tip for avoiding failure in your aquatic plant layout.

Röviden a szűrő sokkal hatékonyabban indítható és gyorsabban beáll, ha sűrűn betelepítjük növényekkel az akváriumot már az indításnál.
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