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AGA Aquascaping Contest 2014

pl ilyen:
This is a friendly automated message from the Aquatic Gardeners Association that your photo release was received and approved for this year's AGA Aquascaping Contest. This release covers all entries under entrant #E316.

Ez egy automatikus e-mail.Ilyen én is kaptam tavaly,de mégse sikerült a nevezésem!
Azt hittem ide is augusztus vege a hatarido de latom hogy szept 15,igy eselyem nyilik hogy az Aokighara - val elinduljak,bar meg friss inditas jovo heten lesz egy honapos,de szerintem egy probat meger mert szepen osszeerett,es nem baj az ha itt is megmutatjuk magunkat tobb akavrium nevezessel [emoji6]
Nos kaptam mindkettőre emailt amiben ez áll;)
This is a friendly automated message from the Aquatic Gardeners Association that your photo release was received and approved for this year's AGA Aquascaping Contest. This release covers all entries under entrant #E343. You do not need to send another photo release if you add another aquascape entry.
Best of luck to you in the competition!

This is a friendly automated message from the Aquatic Gardeners Association that your photo release was received and approved for this year's AGA Aquascaping Contest. This release covers all entries under entrant #E348. You do not need to send another photo release if you add another aquascape entry.
Best of luck to you in the competition!

Ezek szerint sikeres volt a jelentkezés????:)
Nos kaptam mindkettőre emailt amiben ez áll;)
This is a friendly automated message from the Aquatic Gardeners Association that your photo release was received and approved for this year's AGA Aquascaping Contest. This release covers all entries under entrant #E343. You do not need to send another photo release if you add another aquascape entry.
Best of luck to you in the competition!

This is a friendly automated message from the Aquatic Gardeners Association that your photo release was received and approved for this year's AGA Aquascaping Contest. This release covers all entries under entrant #E348. You do not need to send another photo release if you add another aquascape entry.
Best of luck to you in the competition!

Ezek szerint sikeres volt a jelentkezés????:)
Igen, és ahogy a válaszban látod az azonosító email után már elhiszik hogy te vagy, újabbat már enélkül is küldhetsz.
This is a friendly automated message from the Aquatic Gardeners Association that your photo release was received and approved for this year's AGA Aquascaping Contest. This release covers all entries under entrant #E509. You do not need to send another photo release if you add another aquascape entry.
Best of luck to you in the competition!

Az utso pillanatban
This is a friendly automated message from the Aquatic Gardeners Association that your photo release was received and approved for this year's AGA Aquascaping Contest. This release covers all entries under entrant #E509. You do not need to send another photo release if you add another aquascape entry.
Best of luck to you in the competition!

Az utso pillanatban
Sok sikert!
Meg is vannak az eredmények, bár ez a top 10 akváriumokon kívül mást továbbra sem érint! Nem tudom, hogy a többit miért nem rakják sorba. Na mindegy! :) Gratula a The rupture és az Eweni csapatának!
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